Dear Parents,
Class Photos for 2012 will be taken Friday 28th Sept and Monday 1st Oct 2012. Luke from Little Penguin Portraits _has been our photographer for the past few years and consistently achieves beautiful photos. Payment envelopes have been distributed to your communication pockets today for collection. Please be aware that envelopes must be completed in full and returned to the office not later than Friday 21st September. Kind regards The Green Gables Team Dear Parents, don't forget to dress your children in Jeans and bring a gold coin donation this Friday 3rd August - it's Jeans for Genes Day! Dear Parents, Every fortnight we will be sending you an information sheet giving you notes from the last two weeks' Clamber Club classes for each age group. We hope this provides you with some valuable insight into the benefits of this amazing program, and some ideas for extending the activities at home. Kind regards The Green Gables Team Dear Parents, Every fortnight we will be sending you an information sheet giving you notes from the last two weeks' Clamber Club classes for each age group. Kind regards The Green Gables Team Dear Parents,
FOR YOUR URGENT ATTENTION ILLNESSES Over recent weeks we have been seeing growing numbers of children with continuing symptoms of flus, colds and other illnesses being signed-in for attendance. This represents a significant risk to other children, families and staff of contracting illness, and also requires staff to spend time isolating infected children from the group, and arranging for a parent or emergency contact to collect the child. PLEASE - If your child is unwell, keep them at home. They will recover quicker, and potentially save others from illness. If you are unsure of illness exclusion periods or have any other questions, please contact the office or your Room Leader to discuss. I.T. FLU It seems our IT systems have caught the same flu as many of us lately. The Caterpillars' system is out of action for the moment and will probably need the remainder of the week to get back on track. Please be advised that Day Books will be compiled for later distribution. Thank you for your understanding. WATER BOTTLES Please take your child's water bottle home for a proper clean (preferably daily but) not less than each Friday. We do not wash them on the premises and it is important that they have the chance for a good clean to prevent any nasties. |
AuthorAll the team at Green Gables Kindergarten contribute to this Blog. Archives
November 2015